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Safety measures during Covid-19

Our top priority is to protect the health and safety of our customers during this difficult time. We continue to follow CDC recommended guidelines and are adapting to the ever-changing recommendations while balancing the needs of our customers. As the CDC changes their guidelines, we are updating our protocols.

Routine Sanitation/Cleaning
We will continue to sanitize our counters & door handles as needed.  We will pick and pack your orders individually...washing our hands and sanitizing in between each and every order.

Curbside Pick Up/Shipped Orders

Please note that curbside pick up hours may change. We will update this information on our website and Facebook page. There might be a slight delay in your order.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.  If concerned, please call the shop to confirm their business hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

We thank our customers for their loyal patronage as we navigate through these uncertain times. Be safe, be kind and stay healthy!

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